We communists and Baloch nationalists need unity: Imdad Qazi
Interview by Atta Shaad Baloch
Communist Party of Pakistan’s General Secretary Qazi Imdad sagaciously elaborated on this state’s defects and prescribed ways

of struggling to a revolution. He thinks that in the current state system, all peoples, including Balochs, are compelled to be facilitators in pursuing their sustenance. He sees no way to meet instinct needs except to rely on state machinery. The same compulsion drives laborers of Punjab and other parts of the country to work in the exploitative mega projects in Balochistan. He does not oppose any religion but believes that no faith can fill people’s stomachs, but it can be through a social system like socialism for what they in the struggle. He sees China as an imperialist country working to finance capital to debt-trap developing countries worldwide. China has more interest in Balochistan. His informative interview is presented here for the magazine readers.
(Blv stands for Bolan Voice and IDQ for Imdad Qazi)
Blv: Please introduce yourself.
IDQ: My name is Imdad Qazi, and I am the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Pakistan. I stepped into politics and was impressed by Sindhi Nationalism. After studying Marxism, I got predisposed to the Communist Party, while my role commenced in nationalist politics in 1972.
In 1990, I was designated the Central Committee member of the Pakistan Communist Party, and in August 2005, I was appointed Acting Secretary General of the Communist Party till July 2007. During the ailment of our Secretary General, I was disposing of the responsibilities. On August 31, 2007, I got the position of Secretary General, and I am going accomplish two tenures. In the coming days, we will hold our congress to determine future policies.
In the Communist Party of Pakistan, at least it’s my role that it was falling off; it was disrepute and anonymous; internationally, the party had no recognition. In the meantime, we got the Communist Party of Pakistan recognized with Communist International, and it has a membership in said forum.
Blv: Kindly elaborate on the objective and structure of the Communist Party.
IDQ: Communist Party is struggling for change in the system in the country of Pakistan. For what purposes was Pakistan formed, and following its formation, in which direction it worked; we consider all these incorrect. Pakistan has an inherent defect that has been created based on religion. Further, due to its identity, it had to keep up with those institutions which protect its entity. Pakistan was created by British imperialism to defend its regional interests, and because of this, it was given a religious identification. First, it was a foothill for the British, and now for American imperialism in this region. In Pakistan, security institutions have been empowered, while financial, social, and political organizations have not let for thriving. Because of this, the military has been strengthening, and generals in this institution have developed as a business enterprise.
As a result, the Pakistani generals are now held as a political party, economic enterprise, and industrial enterprise, and they are a significant nuisance for Pakistan. Notwithstanding, we want Pakistan to be a union of nationalities; they should be given the right of self-determination, labor and peasants should have the privilege of the trade union, and they have the right to power-sharing and representation in state policymaking. For this purpose, we want to stage a revolution in the country, and this requires the party that is Communist Party of Pakistan. It believes in Marxism and Leninism.
The Communist Party, based on ideology, does membership; that’s how our party’s this process on a cadre base. First, be coincidental with ideology, then pragmatically work for the party and fund it. Further, by a fair process in a democratic way, party positions are assigned eligible personalities for a specified tenure.
Blv: We witness a religious mindset in Pakistan in the shape of Jamiat, TLP, and other theocrats, who dominate Pakistani society and mainly occupy the lion’s share in state affairs, so in these settings, how a socialist revolution is possible?
IDQ: Yes, it is true; if the situations were not as you told, then the Communist Party could be the largest in the country. At the time of partition, two parties existed here; one was the Muslim League, and the second was the Communist Party. The masses’ adherent was not with Muslim League except for a section, while the various swathes of the society, like intellectuals, students, literates, journalists, and others enlightened, were with the Communist Party. The same party is the founder of trade unions in the country. This state has been turned into a parasite by the imperialist powers. To guard against its unreal identification, they banned Communist Party and pushed it on the back foot violently and inhumanly. In the aftermath, a state was formed by relations of the subcontinent’s feudalists and capitalists with the British imperialist, which is illegitimate, but we do not annihilate this, but onward would halt wicked deeds. That is why we are struggling for total metamorphism of the state system. The communists are not separatists, but the state disintegrates in this class fight, so we do not care about this and would not give up our struggle.
Our nationalist parties and politicians have declared Pakistan an unnatural state, while we consider the entire state system unnatural, whether it is based on nationalism, theocracy, or socialism. The state in its spirit is abnormal; one day, it has to disappear or disintegrate. Pakistan is an unnatural state; it will disappear when all nations reach an equivalent level of progress. Yes, staging a revolution in Pakistan is more challenging than in others. Moreover, if would have no nuisances, what is needed of our parties like the Communist Party?
America has not been formed on a religious basis; Israel came into being for religious aims, but staging a socialist revolution is as arduous in America as in Israel or Pakistan.
Blv: The current capitalist imperialists, particularly Americans, have discredited world politics. Consequently, on an international level, people need to be more amenable to participating in a revolutionary process, so how does a global movement set up?
IDQ: In 1910, America designed a World Order which constituted world media organizations. America developed such an environment that parents had to go to work, and their children were cared for by maids. They brought them up as politically retarded. They worked to distort the nation’s civilizations, which is still underway by the capitalists in America. Meanwhile, Pakistan is impacted by the same outline. In the aftermath, it was assumed that ideological politics would not be anymore. During this period, nationalists and politicians, in frustration, left a vacuum that the theologists occupied. America sees its capitalist system’s protection in the theocracy. The persistence of ideological politics can defeat them. Because religion is a source of spirituality and contentment, it does not provide food, shelter, healthcare, or education. The state or systemized social organizations can guarantee these primary needs of life. We are clear that no religion can manage mentioned instinct’s requirements for humans, but its labor, fair distribution of natural resources by state or social system, and use of science and technology as humane and likewise.
Blv: How is China in the world and Balochistan implementing its expansionist policies?
IDQ: We believe China is an imperialist power in this age. Some people consider it a rising imperialist power; instantly, some say it is in the hegemonic process of capitalism. The Communist Party declares China an imperialist country. Here are two-three idents which are qualities of an imperialist, in those the most prominent one is that the imperialist exports finance capital. China exports financial commodities worldwide after earning profit and retaining the money.
Today, China is earning from consumer goods less than it is grabbing usurp from financial capital. Further, its invested money is risk-free because it is given to states. For instance, Tajikistan obtained a loan from China and needed help to repay it. Then China instructed Tajikistan to take a loan from its banks for repayments, which also could not be done. So, the Chinese bank ordered Tajikistan to auction the mortgaged territorial district Baagh, and the Chinese state bought that. Now the most fertilized territory of Tajikistan is owned by China.
China is in the process of debt-trap to developing states in Latin America, African continents, and other places worldwide. The Chinese institutions have been built to be tantamount to the IMF and World Bank.
Thus, China has emerged as an imperialist finance capital, taking countries into tentacles through its debt-trap policy.
Imperialism’s first period was colonial, the second neo-colonial, and now the third new colonial system is developing. The latest China operates in Pakistan, and its province, Balochistan, is the most beneficial for the Chinese imperialist. The region of Balochistan is usable as a trio for China.
First, Balochistan is a neighboring region with Iran and Afghanistan, which are essential for minerals, natural resources, and strategy. Therefore, China signifies that Balochistan operates here.
Second, Balochistan owns very precious natural resources in great quantity. From Sandek, China has not given the natural heir to Balochs. It reveals the Rs 1700 billion scam by Sadiq Sanjrani, while he is not alone in ill-gotten gains like Asim Saleem Bajwa got a commission and ventured into the business of Papa John’s worldwide. It is the commission obtained from China against the minerals of Balochistan. From this can be assessed how enormous the amount China earned from Baloch resources.
Third, the Chines ships carrying trade goods to Latin American and African countries cover a distance of 19500 miles. Accessing Gwadar port is 10500 miles distance cut off. Besides, in the South Chinese Ocean, America allied with India, Japan, and Australia through the Quad pact. The mentioned countries most of the time conduct marine drills, so Chinese ships cannot go through from there. That is why the Gwadar project is much essential for it.
The establishment’s Imran Khan project was to halt the progress of the CPEC and Gwadar projects. During his tenure, the procrastination could be felt noticeably, and thence China was lopsided toward the Chabahar project. At that time, America thought that our rivals benefit from this; consequently, they quit the region that China would face the fundamentals of the Taliban, ISIS, East Turkistan Islamic Movement, and others. In this way, the area turned destabilized, and China could not transport the trade goods through the mentioned route.
As a result, along with 55 kilometers of bordering belt with Afghanistan, China has deployed 1,50,000 troops for security. The Baloch insurgents oppose Chinese interests and defend their resources, and we consider their struggle valid. In this regard, the mechanism is another matter. We politically and morally support the Baloch Movement and decry the establishment. We demand that the ruling section of Pakistan must give rights to Baloch.
Blv: We observe religious orthodoxy and mindset in Pakistan. These are not hurdles in the way of revolution, and how will you communists deal with this mentality?
IDQ: An ideological person is overweighed by thousands of blind faithful followers. State secret agencies use these religious elements. Presently ISI has about 1,20,000 servicemen, and instantly, it has millions of religious persons of different sects on its payroll. These religious persons are tools of agencies against people. When the state ended sponsoring theocrats in Bangladesh, their grip got slackened in state affairs. We are not against religion. It must be clear that religion does not provide wages to people, but a social system can; that is only socialism. We only counter manufactured problems, like injustices and unfair distribution of wealth and resources.
Blv: In Balochistan, in projects of exploitation non-local works. Do you consider them laborers or facilitators?
IDQ: Well, workers in CPEC and Gwadar can be facilitators or not. However, you tell me that levies force employees, not state facilitators, here in Balochistan? Civil secretariat employees are not facilitators, and Balochistan assembly members do not state supporters. They are. Balochistan nationalists cannot feed people and rely on the faulted state system. Even sympathizers of nationalists and insurgency have to work in the state’s precincts to fill the stomach of their children.
In these conditions, we have to raise political consciousness among the people, and then collectively, they will avoid supporting exploiting machinery. Otherwise, hunger propels people to prostitution and other repugnant acts. The same is the case with these people mentioned above. Otherwise, they would not come thousands of miles away from their native areas. Unless there is a revolution, the Communist Party nor the Baloch nationalists can manage sustenance for their people and other provinces residents.
Blv: The Baloch movement officials claim they are struggling for the emancipation of oppressed people. Meanwhile, you Communist Party workers have the same slogan. In these conditions, cannot be any mutual relationship?
IDQ: We are one, and we concur in policies. Except for a handful of tribal, no Sardar or Nawab is participating in the Baloch movement. Middle-class or lower-class people are resisting for rights of Balochistan. It is also a class contradiction, and all this is a national struggle. To create opposition and problems, we have to take confidence in the workers of Punjab. The Communist Party can do this liaison between both nation’s workers. We want collectively fight against the establishment indifferently nationality, race, and ethnicity, then can defeat that. Otherwise, in the shape of Jamiat, TLP, and other parties, the Balochs are also facilitators and supporters of the establishment.
Blv: Currently, the resonation of default in Pakistan is heard everywhere. Does it go to the status of default?
IDQ: We should realize what default is. When a state disables paying off the installments of the loans, it declares default. Pakistan has been repaying its dues till now. Pakistan is needed for both centers of power, America and China. So they may not let be default this. Simultaneously, they do not let it be sound economically because they want it to be in economic crises and follow their dictations while it perfectly plays a proxy role for them. This PDM and Imran Khan project is the discord of army generals. One side wants to continue the policy of the double game of Hameed Gul, while the other one wants a direct in the part of America.
Blv: In today’s era, when technology has developed so much. Marx’s theory is relevant in an age where robots and computers are working. The Soviet Union collapsed, and the communist movement weakened. Is there still any chance of revolution?
IDQ: Karl Marx has said that physical labor will decrease, and mental labor will increase with time. Productivity will also increase many times with mental efforts. As production increases, the surplus value will also increase accordingly. It will concentrate the wealth in a few hands because the means of production are not the property of this mental worker. Therefore, its exploitation will also increase. With these inventions, the unemployed laborer will become a proletariat, not a tycoon or rich. Wealth is becoming concentrated in a few hands. Today, two percent of the world’s population, the rich, own as much wealth as the rest of the world’s 50 percent do not. This unequal distribution of wealth will create a revolution. Yes, communist movements are weak today, but things are not always the same. The laws of dialectics say that the world does not stop in one place. We, communists, have suffered defeat but did not give up after defeat. We are preparing for battle. Comrade Lenin has said that sometimes the journey of moments becomes the essence of centuries. Sometimes the journey of centuries is resolved in moments.
Blv: If you want to convey a message to readers.
IDQ: I request to Balochs that the exploiting body to them and laborers, peasants, and workers is one, that is, the establishment and its generals, who are looting peoples of all regions here. We must unite for strength to defeat the common oppressor, and the looter group can be crushed only this way.