From: Communist Party of Pakistan
Mon, May 24, 4:55 PM
To: Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
The Communist Party of Pakistan is sending its cordial and fraternal greetings to the 21st congress of the communist party of Greece (KKE) and wish them all the success in their deliberation and adopting a programme for the coming years.
Lots has happened since the 20th congress of KKE specially on the world scene the current pandemic of covid 19 has hit the world poor and specially the working class harder and harder.
The communist party of Pakistan sees the role played in the joint declaration and the initiatives of the health care equality and vaccination against covid 19 for all by your party an example of good leadership and valuable contribution to the world communist movement opinion making.We particularly see the important role played by KKE in the unity of the world communist movement in the era of the victory of the counter revolutionary forces in former USSR and Eastern Europe.The KKE was providing leadership, inspiration to the world communist and worker parties to unite their opinion on the issues faced by the working class also helping to formulate the correct ideological directions.
We see KKE as a close ally and are very grateful for the solidarity the Greek comrades have always shown at every stage of our struggle and joining voices and raising issues on international forums whenever we face hardship in Pakistan so our voice can be heard and highlighted.
Communist party of Pakistan is still working in very hard and difficult conditions.The country is still ruled by the military Generals through its proxies and the ruling class is still looking after and safeguarding the interest of the world imperialist forces in fact increasing the suffering of the working class and poor people.
Religious extremism, violation of the citizen rights and oppression of the small nations ,target killing of the journalist and minor nationalities activists is still happening in our country.
We hope that your congress will not only deliberate and adopt a program of action for Greek comrades and Greece but also reflect on the current situation of the world and particularly adopt a programme which will be guiding the world communist movement and bringing us together to fight against world imperialist force more effectively .
Long live our unity
Long live solidarity
International Department
Communist Party of Pakistan
Central Secretariat: D-168, Naseem Nagar Phase-III, Hyderabad, Sindh.
Phone: +92-22-2670231, Fax: +92-22-2670231, Mob: +92-333-2714014, +92-300-3065723,