Comrade Sanober Kaka Ji remembered

Today is the 59th death anniversary of Comrade Sanobar Hussain famously known as Kaka Ji, not just in Pakhtunkhwa but throughout the entire subcontinent, is the symbol of class struggle and anti-imperialism. Deliberate intentional and malicious efforts are being made or are underway to conceal his real revolutionary image from the masses, from working masses, his memorable actions, the aspiring and revolutionary struggle for the working class and oppressed nationalities of this country. He was of a Zealous personality, such a determined political activist and communist worker, one of the prominent founders of the progressive movement of Pashto literature, all at the same time, He not only excelled in class and national struggle but he also made himself known as prominent progressive poet, writer and critic of Pashto language and nevertheless also as an advocate. Furthermore, he also played a fundamental role and made a significant contribution to the preparation of a whole batch of objective writers.

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