CPP Extends Fraternal Greeting to CP Banngladesh

Message to the communist party of Bangladesh on the occasion of 12th congress

The communist party of Pakistan extends its cordial and fraternal greetings to the 12th congress of the communist party of Bangladesh and believe that the delegates will adopt a program of progress and development for Bangladesh particularly for the hard working people of Bangladesh.

Your congress is taking place at a time when the world is still battling with the Covid 19 and its devastating effects specially on the working class and poor in the world has increase the poverty  and due to the closures of businesses has sharply increased the unemployment.The human cost of the pandemic has taken million of lives .

Even at this time of human tragedy the world imperialist headed by US has not given off their dirty tactics and through the imperialist institutions like world bank and IMF are using and compelling countries like us to increase the prices of consumers goods and making the life of poor and working class miserable.There is no rise in wages and due to the current pandemic situation people has lost their earnings and people finding it hard to have 2 meals a day for the whole family.

The rise of Taliban in Afghanistan and the way the US and NATO forces withdrew is making our region vulnerable and the reactionaries and fundamentalist are again gaining momentum.

The power struggle between the US and China is increasing and the region is again becoming a battlefield where the regional proxies and governments are getting ready to please their master US  imperialist to destroy the peace which will have catastrophic consequences for the people living in our region.

It is time for all communist in the region to mobilize the masses to struggle for social justice against any  reactionary forces and lead the workers for a socialist society.

The communist Party Pakistan believe that your 12th congress and the adopted program will bring your country and Bangladesh close to that goal of  socialist dream.

Long live solidarity & internationalism

Dr Ayaz Khan

Coordinator International Department,

CC, Communist Party of Pakistan

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