

Left should address TTP activities in KPK



The re-emergence of the Taliban in KPK can only be translated into their overall return through length and breadth of the country.  The billions of money splurged in operation for the driving out of the militants is proving but a drain on national exchequer in the given situation that the religious insurgents have once again popped up their ugly heads. Millions of people of all age and sex were evicted from their abodes as IDPs to other parts of the country without having proper arrangements for their shelter, food and clothing with veiled ladies fully exposed to the public eye by putting them up  in various camps  in subhuman conditions without the least caring for their privacy. They were forced to move from pillar to post as far as Karachi in a very undignified way. Were all these  sacrifices  borne only meant much ado about nothing? Whom should  this buck be passed on? Was the legacy of Zia and Hamid Gul that was resurrected in the form of appointment of the previous Commander of the Corps of Peshawar a step in the same gory direction who has now been relieved to be harnessed with new responsibilities of the same type and tool that will be carried out with demand for another budgetary allocation?

Why are they treated as a sacred cow to be above reproach and accountability? The people of Waziristan deserve our plaudits who have risen against the tyranny and repression of the militants on their own as the state apparatus is looking the other way.

These points were raised by the Secretary General of the CPP while addressing the party members and activists of the Party at Nasim Nagar, Hyderabad. He sounded a warning that country is heading towards anarchy and lawlessness. Inflation and joblessness have proved the last straw on the back of the poor. Conditions in Balochistan have taken a very ugly turn while the situation in Sindh is a tinderbox of petty squabbles which can easily be sparked into conflagration on the slightest provocation. Emotions in Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan run high that boil down into protests against the incompetent and desensitized rulers. Punjab politics have run to rags thanks to the self-serving tug of war for power and prestige fully supported by the hidden string pullers.

On the face of it,  the activities of the reinvigorated Taliban have spread fear and concern in the helpless and off-guard  people. Com. Imdad Qazi again reminded all and sundry to support the Leftist Parties and put their struggle and opinion behind them whose sole purpose is to pull the country back from the precipice of turmoil and destruction.

Central Secretariat

Communist Party of Pakistan

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