Long live Socialism!

Final Declaration

22nd International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties

“Solidarity with Cuba and all the struggling peoples. United we are stronger in the anti-imperialist struggle, together with social and popular movements, in the face of capitalism and its policies, the threat of fascism and war; in defense of peace, the environment, workers' rights, solidarity and socialism”

  1. The 145 representatives of 78 Communist and Workers’ Parties of 60 countries, present at this 22nd IMCWP, held in Havana, Cuba, on October 27-29, 2022, warn about the dangerous situation in which humanity finds itself.
  1. The current predominance of imperialism imposes an unjust and unsustainable international order, intensifies exploitation and worsens the conditions of the working class and the peoples, causes growing conflicts, antagonisms and wars, and hinders the solution of global problems such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which socialist countries historically, and Cuba today in particular, with its public health system and scientific development, have effectively confronted and where the superiority of socialism is manifested. We communists defend a new world order, based on the abolition of the exploitation of man by man, on relations of mutual benefit between states and the peoples, peace, sustainable development for the satisfaction of social needs, social justice and solidarity.    
  1. As a consequence of the growing aggressiveness of imperialism and the geopolitical recomposition underway, we face a new escalation of the arms race, the strengthening and expansion of NATO, the emergence of new military alliances, the aggravation of tensions and military conflicts, such as the one in Ukraine, the resurgence of fascism in various parts of the world and the "cold war" and the threat of a nuclear conflict, which we must reject.
  1. We denounce that the predatory nature of capitalism leads to increasing inequality, polarization of wealth, exclusion and migratory flows. It causes the intensification of the food crisis and the aggravation of the environmental crisis, while we are rapidly nearing a point of "no return".
  1. The bourgeois political system, which defends the interests of monopolies and corporations, manages the systemic crisis of capitalism for its own benefit, attempts to control the growing social discontent of workers and peoples through pressure and violence.
  1. The gradual decline of the power of the United States of America and its allies, as a result of its internal crises and in the face of its competitors, has reinforced the indiscriminate use of double standard and threatening blockade policies, illegal coercive measures, military interventions, and the interference in the internal affairs of States. Imperialism deploys a vast arsenal of subversive actions in the context of unconventional warfare, particularly media-related actions, as destabilizing tools to disrupt governments that do not align themselves with its interests.
  1. The battle of the world working class against the capitalist system of exploitation requires, in the first place, the unity of the Communist and Workers Movement together with the social and popular, peasant and indigenous movements, to strengthen the class struggle against the bourgeois and imperialist plans and for the construction of a world of peace, justice and social equity.

In the face of the attempts by the imperialism to contain the workers and peoples struggle and to undermine the unity and solidarity of the anti-imperialist and revolutionary forces, the Communist and Workers’ Parties, participants in the 22nd IMCWP in Havana, agree as follows: 

  • To join efforts to strengthen the struggle against imperialism, to contribute to transforming the current unjust and undemocratic international order in which capitalist interests prevail, for an international order based on peace, sustainable development, social justice and solidarity, to pave the way for the construction of the socialist society.
  • To demand respect for the principles of self-determination of the peoples, independence, sovereign equality, and non-interference in the internal affairs of States, as well as for the legitimate right of peoples to peace and to choose their own path of development.
  • To strongly reject imperialist wars, the threat and use of force in international relations, and promote the struggle for peace. To strengthen internationalist action and solidarity in defense of the common interests of the peoples, against the bourgeois classes.
  • To mobilize the masses to denounce and reject the arms race and the large cuts on social spending caused by it, the existence and modernization of nuclear weapons, foreign military bases; against NATO and its project to expand and become a global military organization.
  • To fight against the reemergence of anti-communist, reactionary, ultra-nationalist and fascist forces in various parts of the world, which intensify violence, xenophobia, racism and political, ideological, social, ethnic, religious and gender intolerance, and promote ethnic-national conflicts.
  • To strengthen solidarity with the peoples who withstand the interference and aggressions of imperialism and reject the policy of blockades, sanctions, unilateral coercive measures and double standards, as an instrument of pressure and blackmail against governments and peoples.
  • To defend and promote Marxism and Leninism to confront the ideological, cultural and symbolic offensive of imperialism, aimed at legitimizing the injustices of the capitalist system, disqualifying socialism and communism and eroding or destroying the cultural identity of our nations.
  • To redouble the struggle in favor of all just and emancipatory causes of the peoples and to increase solidarity with workers, peasants, indigenous peoples, youth and women's organizations, in defense of their rights and against capitalism. To stand by the side of refugees and victims of wars.
  • To increase the denouncement of and fight against the development model based on capitalist profit that destroys the environment and endangers the survival of ecosystems and the human species.
  • To comply with the Plan of Action approved at the 22nd Meeting in order to strengthen the unity of the International Communist and Workers Movement, jointly with social and popular movements against imperialist domination, aiming to intensify the struggle in defense of the interests of the workers and the peoples, for revolutionary transformations for the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of Socialism.

With the coordinated effort carried out by the vanguard of the working class, jointly with social, popular and democratic organizations, forces and movements and those in defense of the emancipation of women’s rights, we will be able to defeat capitalism as a dominant, destructive and futureless world system and achieve a true revolutionary transformation. 

We thank the Communist Party of Cuba, its revolutionary government and its people for their contribution to the organization of 22nd IMCWP, and for the warm welcome extended to the participants. 

We reaffirm our solidarity and support for the just cause of the Cuban people and their struggle for the immediate and unconditional lifting of the unjust, criminal and tightened economic, commercial and financial blockade to which they have been subjected for more than 60 years and demand that the U.S. government remove Cuba from the spurious State Sponsors of Terrorism List.  

We pay tribute to the legacy of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, who together with the teachings of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and the succeeding generation headed by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, are a constant inspiration for the struggle of the peoples for their true and definitive emancipation on the road towards the construction of a socialist, independent and solidary society. 

United in the struggle against imperialism and capitalism! 

Long live Socialism! 

Havana, October 29, 2022

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