A Condolence Meassage to CP of Canada
Dear Comrades, on behalf of myself and Communist party of Pakistan comrades I would like to extend our heartfelt and deepest condolences to the family,friends and the Communist party of Canada for the sudden departure of comrade latif.
We heard the news with great sorrow and disbelief and the whole communist community in Pakistan is grieving along with his family and comrades all over the world.
Comrade Omar Latif was an active member of CPP in the 70s and even after migration to Canada he remained close to the communist party of Pakistan helping in every way and distributing the party central organ "Red Flag"among the progressive friends in Canada and America. Seeing himself the ground realities and the hardship party was facing in Pakistan he always extended his helping hand supporting the Communist Party of Pakistan.
He was a true communist,internationalist and real soldier of proletaria and supporting the working class cause and struggle everywhere.He was a founding member of the progressive Canadian Pakistani Association and was bridging the progressive communities with their motherland highlighting the problems and hardship the party and communist movement was facing in Pakistan.
The communist Party of Pakistan along with the communist party of Canada lost a true friend,worker and a true internationalist.
At this difficult time our thoughts are with his family and friends.
Red salute to Comrade Omar Latif
Yours comradely
Imdad Qazi
Secretary General
Communist Party of Pakistan